The Soul says again to its noble Sophia, its Love, that is born again in it
O my noble Pearl, and opened Flame of Light in my anxious fiery Life, how thou changes me into thy Joy! O beautiful Love, I have broken my Faith with thee in my Father Adam, and with my fiery Strength have turned myself to the Pleasure and Vanity of the outward World. I have fallen in Love with a Stranger, and would have been constrained to walk in the Valley of Darkness in this strange Love, if thou had not come into the House of my Misery, in thy great Faithfulness, by thy piercing through and destroying God's Anger, Hell, and dark Death, and restoring thy Meekness and Love to my fiery Life.
O sweet Love! Thou hast brought the Water of Eternal Life out of the Fountain of God, with thee into me, and refreshed me in my great Thirst. I behold in thee the Mercy of God, which was hidden from me before by the strange Love. In thee I can rejoice; Thou changest my Anguish of Fire into great Joy in me. O amiable Love, give me thy Pearl, that I may continue in this Joy forever.
But as no Pearl thee have to give, must my Anguish of Fire seek some mundane palliatives from time to time.